• 0.40¢ Paid per photo view
  • Unlimited total uploads
  • 1,000,000+ photographers

Upload Your Photos

Using our easy to use upload system, you can add all of your images to our platform in one go.

Users View Your Photos

Start earning money from your views for just £1.60 per month

You Get Paid

Once your payment reaches $15, you can request to get paid. Payments are made through Paypal for your safety and security.

Our platform is continuously improving to provide the best technology and the best experience for our viewers and users

  • Upgrade or downgrade at any time risk free
  • Highest online image quality of any photo sharing site
  • Content is actively moderated
  • No tracking, no data processing, browse in peace, whilst enjoying full privacy
  • Photo pages are fully SEO optimised to ensure your photos can be found by Google
  • 100,000 images viewed per day
  • we will never take any rights to your photos and you will never see your photos used anywhere by us without your express written permission

Viewers of photos don’t pay to look at your photos, revenue to pay our photographers is generated from the sites multiple revenue streams

ClickASnap is a unique way for photographers to do what they love and make money at the same time. Used by over 60,000 photographers, collectively bringing in over a million viewers to the platform in our second year. You no longer have to rely on sales alone, you can now have a passive revenue source from people viewing your photos.

A unique way of making money from your photos

Image Protection Technology*

Image protection technology against ‘print screen’ theft (WIPT Watermarkless Image Protection Technology)

*Only with paid accounts

Automated Marketing System*

Integrate your social media and pick a time interval and your photos will be promoted automatically 24 hours a day 7 days a week

*Only with paid accounts

Connect to Social Media

to automatically notify all of your followers that you have uploaded new images

Image Recognition

Images automatically tagged using our image recognition technology

Start making an income from your photography today

It only takes 30 seconds!