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I have been an amateur photographer most of my life, usually using comparatively mid to low quality cameras until I became more knowledgeable about the medium and started taking myself seriously as a photographic artist. I recieved a lot of praise for my images and went out as frequently as I could making images as diverse as possible, I remember in my 8th grade science class, for a project, I did a photographic journal about local waste and pollution in my area, I did get an A. Mostly I stayed in Virginia, but I would go on nature walks, zoos, historic landmarks and events, and I took my equipment with for a better chance at photo ops. I displayed in different arts shows, galleries, and local contests, I usually came away with a prize or two, sometimes honorable mention, well that is still something. I will be displaying more and more diverse images as I continue digitizing my negatives and slides and capturing more images. These will be of trains, animals, insects, florals, scenic, etc. Thank you for your time and reading what I have of my bio so far. I have what look like duplicated images, they are, but the orientation of each are different. The original postings are landscape and the ones I posted later are portrait. Now there are products you can buy, remember, the prices are in British pounds so the exchange rates are a little different, your favorite images in various forms. Many of the artists have products of their works on their sites for your purchase. To start, I have things like mugs, keyrings, refrigerator magnets and I also have listed Digital Downloads so you can expand your collection of screen savers, I will probably expand my selection of products later. But, the reason I bring up the products is I also have Professional Prints, the prints are in landscape format, and the images designated (H), there are only a few, they would work best as (H) as a portrait as apposed to the designated (V) with is better as a landscape. I also want to thank everyone for their support, likes, shares, and views as well as the lovely, encouraging comments you have left on my Clickasnap feed. I will also be expanding my posts soon too. Again, thank you. BTW my clickasnap address is:, this web page is not a secret, so please pass it around. I know my bio is pretty long and I didn't want to add on, but I felt this must be said because this, I'm sure, doesn't just affect me but also affects most of the artists on clickasnap. I have been reviewing my "uploads" page and seeing a large disparity between the views and the paid views. Thank you for reading this far, your art, and cooperation.
