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Gigi Walinski


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“In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” Mather 7:12. She is a farmer's daughter who obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education before pursuing a Master of Arts in Education Administration, Doctor of Education in Planning and Management, and professional and digital photography. She is a talented actress who has brought memorable performances to life in various movies, including Huling Balyan ng Buhi: The Woven Stories of the Others, Imburnal, Hospital Boat, and Obscure History of Daguluan Children. Her portrayals have won critical acclaim and made her a sought-after actress in the Philippine Film Industry. As an acclaimed astrophotographer, drone pilot, and landscape photographer, she is redefining the way we perceive the stunning beauty of landscapes and nature. Through her lens, she captures awe-inspiring images that have graced renowned publications like National Geographic, EarthSky, and Sky. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for exploring the vastness of the universe, Walinski brings to life the majesty of our planet and beyond in her captivating and mesmerizing photographs. Despite her success, she never forgets her humble beginnings, coming from a poor family in the hinterland of the Philippines. She recalls struggling to get to school, walking 7 kilometers each way, and finding inspiration in the holes of their Nipa hut. This sparked her curiosity about the universe and drove her to chase the lights that cannot be seen with the naked eye. She believes that there is no empty space, and her photographs reflect this philosophy. She can stay up all night, captivated by the wonders of space. She is grateful for her experiences and the lessons learned from her childhood, especially 'the holes of their Nipa Hut! Here is my facebook work:
